Saturday, January 16, 2016


Gosaikunda is the holy Lake that lies at an altitude above 4000 meter high from sea level in Rasuwa district. It is popular due to its religious belief that lord Shiva drank the poison to save the universe that came from the sea and he come to this place in search of finding cool place where he used his sword to make a water flow and formed this lake and named as Gosaikunda.

If you are willing to trek to Gosaikunda, you can catch micro-bus from Balaju (Kathmandu). It will take about 6/7 hours to reach Dhunche. The road is little scary in some places where landslides usually occur. Stay a night at Dhunche which is considered as the starting trek point to Gosaikunda. Start You morning with some hot tea or water as it has cool weather and it’s a long route you can reach Chandadnbari which is 40% of the route in 5 hours average where you can rest that night. Since it is a mountainous region you can feel change in climate. It rains often and you have to carry rain coat and warm clothes with you to protect you from cold at night. There are few hotels and lodges. If you get you are lucky otherwise local people are there for you to serve who will provide one night food and shelter at around Rs 600. Start your next morning early around 5 am and you could get to Lauribinayak in 3 hours. The most difficult and exciting trekking begins there where you  have to trek straight up and you can see most trekkers in that route as it is wide open area. This trek is about 2 hours in average. Then you can reach to Gosaikunda after about 4 hours from there viewing the beautiful Langtang range and rocky mountains. The weather of Gosaikunda Lake is unpredictable as it rains often and wind blows accordingly and you feel like you are in god’s real place if you see the clear view of Gosaikunda. It’s absolutely amazing surrounded by Rocky Mountains. It is believed that if you swim or take bath in the lake which is so cold you will be free from any diseases. You can enjoy that night in that lake region and start your return tomorrow morning. You can come to Dhunche in 8 hours if walk regularly otherwise you can make a two day trek and come slowly and get back to Kathmandu soon.

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